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Debt Collection: Turning Your Receivables into Cash
INTRODUCTION. Advising small business owners about collecting their receivables can be most useful if the advice comes before credit is extended on an account, rather than when the receivable is six months old. I have written this paper with the intent that I could make a copy of the outline and hand it to a small business client as a follow up to a conference in which I have explained the reality of turning receivables into CA$H.
Keeping Client Data and Your Law License Secure
Law firms are being targeted because they house highvalue data in less-secure, consolidated locations. Lawyers have a duty (ethically and by statute) to protect client information. Notification statutes are forcing data breaches to become public knowledge causing serious financial and reputational harm. Simple, cost-effective tools exist to increase data protections and prevent your name being in the style of the first U.S. Supreme Court case on this topic.
Dollison Sees Niche Opportunity Amid Depressed Oil Sector
An Interview with J.B. Dollison, Principal, Crutchfield Capital Corporation J.B. Dollison is a principal with the Houston-based private investment banking firm Crutchfield Capital Corporation. Middle Market Growth Magazine previously asked for his take on how depressed worldwide oil prices are affecting midsize deals in the energy sector. This is the October 2015 update to that interview.
Choice of Entity Decision Tree Presentation Materials
These are the materials used in the live program presentation.
Choice of Entity Decision Tree
In selecting a form of business entity for operations in Texas the following five business entity forms are available: • Corporation • General Partnership • Limited Partnership • Limited Liability Partnership (“LLP”) • Limited Liability Company (“LLC”) The form of business entity most advantageous in a particular situation depends on the business objectives for which the entity is being organized. In most situations, the choice of entity focus will be on how the entity and its owners will be taxed and the extent to which the entity will shield the owners and managers of the business from liabilities arising out of its activities. An increasingly important factor in choosing the form of entity, and its state of domicile, is the extent to which the fiduciary duties and personal liability of the entity’s board of directors (“Board”) or other governing persons may be limited in the entity’s governing documents.
Debt Collection: Turning Your Receivables into Cash
INTRODUCTION. Advising small business owners about collecting their receivables can be most useful if the advice comes before credit is extended on an account, rather than when the receivable is six months old. I have written this paper with the intent that I could make a copy of the outline and hand it to a small business client as a follow up to a conference in which I have explained the reality of turning receivables into CA$H.