2023 - 88th Legislative Session

The 88th Legislature's Regular Session concluded today, marking a return to normalcy post-pandemic. The session saw significant legislative actions, including the House General Investigating Committee's surprise move to impeach Attorney General Paxton with 20 articles. Despite opposition from Paxton's supporters, the full House approved the articles 121-23. Earlier in the session, a member expulsion occurred, making this session notable for its dramatic political developments.

Legislative Report as of February 17, 2023
Thursday evening, in a statewide televised appearance, Governor Abbott delivered his bi-annual State-of-the-State address from San Marcos (in a Noveon Magnetics manufacturing facility), not in the Capitol before a joint session. He declared 7 "emergency" items that could generate legislative action during the session's first 60 days: property tax reduction, banning covid restrictions, school choice/vouchers, school safety, bail reform, border security, and the fentanyl crisis. The Governor also mentioned other legislative priorities, which included the establishment of a dedicated business court system for Texas. An amazing first for the issue.Otherwise, the Legislature met briefly this week for essentially housekeeping matters,then recessed until next week. The Senate Finance Committee and the House Appropriations Committee continued hearings on respective budget bills. Other committees await bill referrals.The overall number of filed bills is still relatively low and will ramp up significantly as more bills are released from TLC. Again, this weekly BLS report comes in multiple parts: 1) a short opening commentary on general legislative activity, 2) an overview section focused on selected bills of interest to the BLSand the TBLF (categorized by the 11 general subject matter categories synched to the larger SBOT Legislative Tracking Report), and 3) the complete SBOT Legislative Tracking Report. Bill cites are interactive throughout for quick reference.
Legislative Report as of February 10, 2023
On Wednesday, Speaker Phelan announced House committee chairmen and membership. Not surprisingly (after last session’s walkouts by Democrats), there was a reductionin the number of D chairmen (from 13 to 8). None of the high-profile D leadership, who were chairmen last session, retained those coveted positions. In the house, Rep. Oscar Longoria (D-Mission) will now take the lead as chairman of our substantive committee, Business & Industry ("B&I"), with Rep. Cody Vasut (R-Angleton) as vice-chairman. Interestingly, B&I now has majority of Democrats, an interesting twist considering the reduction of D chairmen. Rep. Giovanni Capriglione (R-Southlake) takes over as chairman of Pensions, Investments& Financial Services (“PIFS”). Rep. Jeff Leach (R-Plano) will continue to lead the Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence Committee (“JCJ”). The TBLF looks forward to working with all these important committee chairmen and members. With House committee assignments now complete, the referral of bills can commence.The backlog of un-referred bills is immense, just as is the backlog of un-filed bills. The next several weeks will see a sharp incline in activity. Next Wednesday evening, Governor Abbott will deliver his biennial State-of-the-State address with statewide television coverage. Continuing a format used last session (thought atthe time to be pandemic driven), the Governor will not address a joint session in the Capitol butwill present from a San Marcos Chamber of Commerce facility to a limited physical audience(including legislators, of course).
Legislative Report as of January 24, 2023
The 88th Texas Legislature convened on January 10th, with the traditional pomp and ceremony, highlighted with a return of inauguration ceremonies and physical parties. The leadership in both chambers is set with Lt. Governor Dan Patrick continuing to lead the Senate and Speaker Dade Phelen (R-Beaumont) reelected in the House. With an approximate $33 billion surplus projected by Comptroller Hegar, both chambers followed an opening-day script that stressed strong commitment to historical-level property tax reduction. The Senate quickly confirmed its committee leadership. Senator Charles Schwertner (R- Georgetown) will continue his role as chairman of our substantive committee, Business & Commerce (B&C). This will be his first full session as chairman, and we look forward to working with him. Chairman Schwertner and his staff are currently reviewing TBLF initiatives. Lt. Governor Patrick has expanded the committee membership from 9 to 11. In the House, Speaker Phelan is in the process of studying member preferences for committee service. We expect committee assignments shortly. The bill filing process is underway and experiencing the usual front-end bottleneck. Committee referrals will be log-jammed for several weeks. As in the past, this weekly BLS report comes in multiple parts: 1) a short opening commentary on general legislative activity, 2) an overview section focused on selected bills of interest to the BLS and the TBLF (categorized by the 11 general subject matter categories contained in the larger SBOT Legislative Tracking Report), and 3) the complete SBOT Legislative Tracking Report. Bill cites are interactive throughout for quick reference.