Privacy and Data Security Law in Texas, An Overview

The import of this article is, hopefully, to make Texas attorneys aware of just how broad the considerations of privacy and data security can be. As the field grows, lawyers in Texas will inevitably have to take privacy and data security issues into account in many varied business issues, in terms of compliance, transactions, and enforcement of rights. It also seems clear that the federal actions to date indicate that there will not be an over-arching action by the U.S. Congress to address privacy matters to the exclusion of state regulation, or if such an action is taken, that it will only create a floor for minimum protections, and states will continue to be able to regulate as long as it is in a manner that is not contrary to the federal scheme. Consequently, Texas lawyers should anticipate a continuing growth in privacy law and regulation in Texas, as well as an increase in privacy claims being asserted in Texas courts. The transactional lawyer in Texas will have to be aware of, and provide allocations for, these risks in the contracts and other legal documents he or she drafts and negotiates for clients.

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