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Legal Opinions Committee

This committee reviews law, legislation and opinion-practice literature affecting: (i) a lawyer's ability to render third-party opinions on business-related matters; and (ii) the scope and nature of those opinions. The Committee is currently working on a legal opinion report that will provide guidance on rendering third-party opinions under the Texas Business Organizations Code on corporate entities in Texas. An exposure draft of the report is expected to be completed in 2022.



Special Counsel

Hunton Andrews Kurth LLP



Frank Garcia

Of Counsel

Norton Rose Fulbright


Recent Content

Statement on the Role of Customary Practice in the Preparation and Understanding of Third-Party Legal Opinions

by Stephen C. Tarry — last modified May 02, 2019 08:11 PM
In 2008, more than 25 bar organizations, including the Texas Business Law Section, adopted the Statement on the Role of Customary Practice in the Preparation and Understanding of Third-Party Legal Opinions. The Customary Practice Statement describes the role of customary practice in rendering and receiving third-party legal opinions.

Core Opinion Principles

by Stephen C. Tarry — last modified May 02, 2019 08:13 PM
The Core Opinion Principles are drawn from the Statement of Opinion Practices. The Core Opinion Principles are designed for use by opinion givers who wish to incorporate or attach to their opinion letters a more concise statement of some of the opinion principles included in the Statement.

Statement of Opinion Practices

by Stephen C. Tarry — last modified May 02, 2019 08:12 PM
The Legal Opinions Committee of the ABA’s Business Law Section and the Working Group on Legal Opinions Foundation, through a Joint Committee of bar group representatives and other opinion practitioners, have sponsored a project to prepare a Statement of Opinion Practices that establishes a national basis for the preparation and understanding of third-party legal opinion letters. Representatives of the Texas Business Law Section’s Legal Opinions Committee have participated in this project. The Statement has been approved by numerous bar groups, including the Texas Business Law Section. In addition to the Statement, the Joint Committee has also published an Explanatory Note and the Core Opinion Principles, both of which have been posted on this website.