Sixth edition of free textbook: Copyright Law: Cases and Materials v6.0

Chris Sprigman and Jeanne Fromer are pleased to announce the release of Copyright Law: Cases and Materials v6.0, their freely-licensed copyright textbook, which has been adopted at over 80 law schools (that we know of) so far. You can download it for free at You can also purchase a paperback copy on Amazon (for about $21, at cost):

In version 6.0 the authors have made a number of changes for v6.0. Among them:

  • We have integrated in a number of places helpful material from the Restatement of Copyright. We hope that this guidance from the Restatement will help students navigate some tough areas of copyright doctrine.
  • We have revised and added additional note material to keep up with developments, especially in the intersection of copyright law and artificial intelligence, including on the idea-expression distinction, authorship, and fair use.
  • In Chapter V, we have cut down the Supreme Court's decision in Kirtsaeng v. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. to extended excerpts together with a discussion on the importation right and the first-sale doctrine.
  • We have added brief discussion of several new judicial decisions in the areas of moral rights, public performance, and preemption.
  • We have restructured the section in Chapter VI on appropriation art to focus more on the Supreme Court's decision in Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, Inc. v. Goldsmith (which we have edited down further) and less on the Second Circuit's pre-Warhol decisions.
  • Finally, we have updated the information on the DMCA triennial review process, as well as the decisions of the Copyright Royalty Board.