2022 Advanced Business Law

2022 Employment Law Update | Airbnb, Vrbo, and Short-Term Lease Agreements: What you Need to Know | Cunning * Baffling * Powerful: An Attorney’s Biggest Foe is Not Opposing Counsel | If Your Law Firm Was a Product: Automation, Customer Interviews, and Who’s Your Competition | Business Divorce: I Hate You, I Love You – The Psychology of Litigating and Resolving Disputes Between Business Owners | Business Skills for Lawyers | Cross-Examination of Lay and Expert Witnesses in the Time of Zoom | How to Negotiate Cloud Contracts to Avoid Cyber and Privacy Disasters | Issue Spotting for the Non-IP Attorney | Lessons Learned from the Paycheck Protection Program: What Businesses Need to Know About Federal Grants and Loans | When It’s About More Than Just Legal: M&A Strategies When Representing Small Businesses | Remote Proceedings: Where We’ve Been and What’s on the Horizon

If Your Law Firm Was a Product: Automation, Customer Interviews, and Who’s Your Competition
Many of the world’s greatest cities are clamoring to be the next Silicon Valley; touting themselves as Silicon Roundabout (London), Silicon Hills (Austin), or my personal favorite Philicon Valley (Philadelphia). Each region is trying to capture the spirit of innovation to further its economic growth and competitiveness in a global market. This article endeavors to make law firms competitive not only against other firms but against other technologies. It explores customer discovery and evaluates law firms through the lens of product management. What is a law firm’s product? Is it contracts drafted? Advice given? Kinda both, but also kind of neither. “[A]product is something that can be marketed to customers because it provides them with a benefit and satisfies a need.”3A client wants a contract, not just to have a piece of paper with some legalese on it, but to protect themselves or effect a sale. The benefit to the client is the hope of the purchase contract or the decrease in anxiety to know that they have limited their liabilities. Advising a client to settle a case is only a benefit if the client understands that they are saving significantly more money than if they hadn’t settled.Now that you understand what a product is, this article will talk about ways to improve your current product through customer discovery and competitive analysis. We’ll also sprinkle in some tech you should know about too.