The Pathological Arbitration Clause
Arbitration is here to stay. Driven by what parties perceive as deficiencies of the formal judicial system, including expense, protracted length, gamesmanship, belligerency and wastefulness, arbitration has grown exponentially in the last ten years. Because of its confidentiality, empirical statistics are difficult to come by. Nonetheless, the American Arbitration Association, the largest administrator in the world, notes a 46% increase in total case filings 2007 to 2012. Courts, both federal and state, continue wholeheartedly to sanction this trend. It is bedrock principal that arbitration is a consensual process. Its authority is derived from the arbitration clause itself. No matter how favored it may be, arbitration is, at its heart, the product of an agreement. Because the arbitration clause is the “DNA” of the whole process, it is critical that the clause be drafted properly.