Apply To Be A Business Law Fellow
The Business Law Section of the State Bar of Texas is looking for people to serve as Fellows in the Development of Business Law. Fellows chosen will be assigned to one year-long project to work on with an experienced business law practitioner.
The projects include monitoring the dockets of the Texas Supreme Courts and Texas Business Courts for cases with important business law issues, determining whether to organize amici briefs regarding the issues and writing and publishing case notes and analysis about them. Or the project may involve collecting and curating all of the best practical articles on a particular area of business law, obtaining the right to publish on our website and organizing symposia webinars. We are also open to requests to do particular business law-related projects, if you have one.
The deadline is September 13, 2024. The Fellowship will start in October 2024 and run through June 2025. Send your application to us via email at The Fact Sheet and Applications are attached below.
Fellows Fact Sheet v2.1.pdf